Learn about BI MATRIX's sense of responsibility and
ethical management policies through our Code of Ethics.
Code of Ethics

Ethical Management for Employees

Values of Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency

Employees are expected to comply with laws and principles, upholding high ethical standards to make sound decisions.

Respectful Management for Employees

Values of Respect, Fairness, and Growth

Every employee is treated with respect as a dignified individual, provided equal opportunities, and nurtured as a key talent.

Customer-Centric Management

Value of Customer Satisfaction

We prioritize and respect our customers by protecting their information and delivering fair, customer-oriented products and services.

Collaborative Management with Partners

Value of Pursuing Mutual Growth

We respect the traditions and characteristics of our partners, aiming for mutual benefits and shared development.

Shareholder-Focused Management

Value of Shareholder Rights

We practice transparent management and strive to protect the interests of our shareholders.

Socially Responsible Management

Value of Social Responsibility

Through rational and efficient management, we create social wealth, contributing to societal progress and environmental protection.

If you have any inquiries or reports, please contact us via the email

Ethics Inquiries and Reports : singo@bimatrix.co.kr