Code of Ethics

Company Regulations

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 [Purpose]

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish the standards for sound decision-making and ethical judgment for BI MATRIX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and its employees (including all personnel within the Company, including non-regular staff). It aims to define regulations that guide ethical corporate management, contribute to society, and enhance the value of various stakeholders, including society, customers, employees, shareholders, and business partners.

Article 2 [Scope of Application]

  1. This Code applies to all business activities of the Company and all employees.
  2. In the event of any conflict between this Code and other Company regulations, this Code of Ethics shall take precedence.

Article 3 [Basic Principles]

  1. The Company's pursuit of ethical management shall be based on balancing the interests of the Company and its stakeholders, and fair competition shall be maintained in accordance with ethical standards against competitors and competing products.
  2. The Company must prioritize customer satisfaction, earn the trust of customers, and grow alongside them.
  3. The Company shall strive to create an environment where employees can work voluntarily and enthusiastically. Employees, in turn, shall contribute to the Company's growth and the creation of value for stakeholders.
  4. The Company shall enhance its value to maximize shareholder value by ensuring transparent and efficient management.
  5. The ultimate goal of the Company is to contribute to society through fair competition, employee welfare, profit generation, maximizing shareholder value, and achieving customer satisfaction.

Chapter 2: Basic Ethics for Employees

Article 4 [Fundamental Ethics for Employees]

  1. Employees shall faithfully comply with the Company's regulations and work rules.
  2. Employees shall take pride in and have confidence as members of the Company, maintaining an honest and sincere attitude at all times.
  3. Employees shall adhere to this Code of Ethics, employment rules, all applicable laws, and social moral standards, upholding high ethical values and ensuring that their actions align with their conscience.

Article 5 [Fulfillment of Duties]

Employees shall share and resonate with the Company's management philosophy and objectives, striving diligently to fulfill their responsibilities.

Article 6 [Self-Development]

Employees shall make continuous efforts for self-development to meet the demands of the global era.

Article 7 [Conflict of Interest]

  1. Employees shall avoid any actions or interests that conflict with the interests of the Company while performing their duties.
  2. In cases where the Company's interests conflict with societal or moral standards, employees shall make appropriate decisions based on high ethical standards.

Article 8 [Prohibition of Acceptance of Benefits]

  1. Employees shall comply with Article 16 [Obligation of Integrity] of the employment rules.
  2. If employees become aware of the acceptance of money, gifts, or entertainment, whether unavoidable or previously unknown, they must immediately report it to their supervisor and follow the Company's instructions. Exceptions include the following cases:

    ① Promotional or commemorative items from business partners, such as those displaying the partner's name or logo, with a total value not exceeding 30,000 KRW.

    ② Congratulatory or condolence gifts in accordance with traditional customs, valued at or below 30,000 KRW in cash or goods.

  3. This article shall also apply to the Company.

Article 9 [Mutual Relationships]

  1. Employees shall maintain basic etiquette expected by society in their interactions and shall not engage in rude behavior, slander, or defamation against other employees.
  2. Employees shall not form factions or engage in discriminatory practices.
  3. 사Employees shall not engage in the exchange of money or goods for improper purposes such as gaining promotions.
  4. Employees shall not perform any actions that violate laws, social norms, or acceptable behavioral standards.

Article 10 [Transparency and Information Protection]

  1. Employees shall acquire and manage all information, including accounting data, in a legitimate and transparent manner.
  2. Employees shall not conceal or monopolize critical information within the Company for the benefit of any individual or department.
  3. Employees shall ensure compliance with the employment rules, security policies, internal accounting regulations, and other related provisions for information protection and transparency.

Chapter 3: Ethics Towards Employees

Article 11 [Respect for Employees]

  1. The Company shall regard employees with trust and care, treating each individual as a dignified person, and respecting their religious and political views as well as their personal privacy.
  2. The Company shall recognize its shared destiny with employees and acknowledge their importance as contributors to its business operations.

Article 12 [Fair Treatment]

The Company shall eliminate subjective standards such as gender, academic background, age, religion, place of origin, kinship, or disabilities, ensuring no discrimination. Equal opportunities shall be provided based on the objective abilities and qualifications of each employee, with fair evaluations and rewards determined by their performance and accomplishments.

Article 13 [Health and Safety]

The Company shall provide a comfortable and safe working environment to safeguard employees' health and safety. It shall establish, implement, and comply with relevant policies, regulations, and legal requirements, including regular training programs.

Article 14 [Talent Development]

The Company shall actively support the development of employees' professional skills and self-improvement, striving to nurture them into skilled and creative talents.

Article 15 [Employee Well-being]

The Company shall endeavor to enhance employees' quality of life by actively supporting activities such as social clubs, education, and welfare programs to contribute to their happiness.

Chapter 4: Ethics Towards Customers

Article 16 [Customer Satisfaction]

  1. The Company and its employees shall prioritize customers, think from their perspective, and respect them.
  2. The Company and its employees shall understand customer needs and expectations and strive to provide the best products and services from product development to sales and after-sales support.
  3. The Company and its employees shall actively consider customer feedback and suggestions, addressing complaints as swiftly and fairly as possible.
  4. The Company and its employees shall value customers' tangible and intangible assets and shall not infringe upon their interests.
  5. The Company and its employees shall provide accurate information to enable customers to make informed decisions about products and services and enhance customer convenience, within the limits permitted by applicable laws and Company regulations.

Article 17 [Protection of Customer Information]

  1. The Company and its employees shall comply with laws related to customer information protection and continually review and improve processes to safeguard customer information.
  2. Except with customer consent, as permitted by applicable laws, or when required to submit such information under legal obligations, the Company shall neither use customer information for purposes beyond its intended use nor share it with third parties.

Chapter 5: Ethics Towards Business Partners

Article 18 [Compliance]

  1. The Company shall respect the social customs and comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions where it conducts its business and operations.
  2. The Company shall respect the traditions and characteristics of its business partners.

Article 19 [Fair Competition]

The Company shall adhere to the principles of free competition, respect market economy rules, and pursue fair competition with competitors and competing products.

Article 20 [Mutual Prosperity]

  1. The Company shall strive for mutual benefit and shared growth with its business partners.
  2. The Company shall not engage in unfair practices by abusing its superior position over business partners.

Article 21 [Information Protection]

The Company shall protect the information and trade secrets of its business partners. Except with the partner's consent, as permitted by law, or when legally required, the Company shall not disclose or publicize such information to third parties.

Chapter 6: Ethics Towards Shareholders

Article 22 [Corporate Value]

  1. The Company recognizes that shareholders, as owners of the corporation, are central to its operations.
  2. The Company shall maximize corporate value through efficient management and profit generation, sharing the results with shareholders.

Article 23 [Shareholder Rights and Interests]

  1. The Company shall practice transparent management and respect the legitimate demands and proposals of shareholders.
  2. The Company shall guarantee shareholders' right to information by providing timely, accurate, and appropriate disclosures regarding the Company's management status.
  3. The Company shall not use undisclosed information for internal or personal gain or to benefit third parties, and it shall make every effort to protect shareholder interests.

Chapter 7: Ethics Towards Society

Article 24 [Contribution to Social Development]

  1. The Company shall contribute to social progress by creating societal wealth through rational and efficient management, achieving growth and generating profits.
  2. As a member of society, the Company shall actively accommodate the needs and proposals of local communities and strive to resolve relevant issues.
  3. The Company shall actively participate in activities that contribute to social development, such as volunteer work, disaster relief, and donations.

Article 25 [Political Neutrality]

  1. The Company shall maintain political neutrality and refrain from using its tangible or intangible assets or personnel for political purposes. However, lawful political donations permitted under tax laws are an exception.
  2. The Company shall respect employees' rights to political participation and expression while ensuring that no political activities take place within the workplace.
  3. Employees shall ensure that their personal political views and expressions are not misconstrued as representing the Company's stance.

Article 26 [Labor-Management Harmony]

The Company and its employees shall recognize that both labor and management are key participants in the Company's operations. They shall build a healthy labor-management culture based on trust and cooperation, setting an example for society.

Article 27 [Environmental Protection]

The Company shall comply with international standards and relevant laws on environmental protection and implement eco-friendly management practices to safeguard the environment and prevent pollution.

Article 28 [Disaster Prevention]

The Company and its employees shall recognize the negative societal impact of disasters and comply with social norms, laws, and safety management regulations related to health and safety to prevent accidents.

Chapter 8: Supplementary Provisions

Article 29 [Accountability]

  1. The ultimate responsibility for the Company's ethical management lies with the CEO.
  2. Department heads, under the CEO, are responsible for supervising, managing, and educating their staff on this Code of Ethics and ethical management.
  3. Department heads shall conduct regular training sessions at least once a year and ensure that new employees receive training immediately after joining the Company.
  4. The auditor shall act as the Ethics Officer, supporting the CEO and overseeing the responsibilities outlined in paragraphs 2 and 3.

Article 30 [Consultation and Reporting]

  1. 사Employees who become aware of any violations of this Code of Ethics, applicable laws, or social norms shall report such instances to their immediate supervisor. If reporting to a supervisor is not feasible, they may request consultation or submit a report to the Ethics Officer.
  2. The Company shall establish mechanisms to receive reports, either anonymously or with identification, regarding violations of this Code of Ethics, applicable laws, or social norms, under the supervision of the Ethics Officer.
  3. The Ethics Officer shall protect the identity of those seeking consultation, reporting, or submitting information.
  4. The Ethics Officer shall investigate and verify the reported matters and take necessary actions accordingly.

Article 1 [Effective Date]
This Code shall come into effect on September 17, 2021.

[Attachment 1] Code of Ethics Charter [Attachment 2] Ethical Management Pledge

[Attachment 1] Code of Ethics Charter

1. Ethical Management by Employees

Values of Integrity, Honesty, and Transparency

Employees shall comply with laws and principles, make decisions with a high ethical standard, and act with integrity.

2. Management with Respect for Employees

Values of Respect, Fairness, and Growth

Employees shall be treated fairly and with respect, ensuring opportunities for growth while adhering to laws and ethical principles.

3. Customer-Centric Management

Value of Customer Satisfaction

The Company shall prioritize and respect customers, ensuring the protection of their information and delivering fair products and services that meet their needs.

4. Mutual Prosperity with Business Partners

Value of Pursuing Mutual Growth

The Company shall respect the traditions and characteristics of business partners, striving for mutual benefit and shared development.

5. Shareholder-Centric Management

Value of Shareholder Rights

The Company shall practice transparent management and make every effort to protect the interests of shareholders.

6. Social Responsibility Management

Value of Social Responsibility

The Company shall create societal wealth through rational and efficient management, contributing to social development and environmental protection